Posted in Life and After

The Secret

My wife’s voice wafted out from the kitchen window. She sounds pretty pleased at the wonderful smell of fresh ‘parsley’. I smile too, knowing what would come next. Tasting! My wife always tastes her seasonings before putting the dish in the oven.

She is a wonderful cook who has too many secret family recipes and a whole lot of pride. Mother hates her—their quarrels are epic, and I am always stuck in the middle. After six years of being stuck between them, I have had enough. So, a couple of weeks back, when my wife decided to hold the Christmas dinner at our home rather than Mother’s to further infuriate the old woman, I knew there was no better opportunity to end this scene forever. With eleven people coming over for the dinner and serving as witnesses, no one can hold me liable when she drops dead in the kitchen right after tasting her stuffed duck with ‘parsley’ seasoning.

Very few people can recognise the purple-spotted-hemlock that I have smuggled in the kitchen and replaced fresh parsley–it looks exactly like parsley except for the purple spots on its stem, and tastes and smells wonderful too. Also, no one is able to survive after eating it. It hits within seconds of touching the tongue, sending victim’s muscles into hyperactivity until they are twisted in unnatural angels and all their bones break one by one, ending with a twist of neck at a degree that breaks the spinal cord.

This innocent-looking and wonderful-smelling herb has been the cause of many ghost stories in the past. I wore gloves while I collected and placed it in the kitchen. I wasn’t worried about anyone else in the family touching or tasting it. My wife gets angry and mouthy if anyone touches anything in her kitchen. After so many years of dealing with the wretch, no one will be stupid enough to touch anything. And once she dies, I will quietly remove any unattended pieces of hemlock using the plastic wrap in my pocket,

Well, my wife is already done smelling. It is about time to taste the seasoning. So, I wait for the conundrum to begin…

My wife shrieks. With tremendous effort, I hide my smile. There are, of course, other voices shouting as well—Mother never leaves her alone in the kitchen, lest she makes a mess of the dinner in front of the whole family. She can’t touch anything but she sure can point. The shrieks now sound more ghastly and other-worldly. A shiver runs up my spine—I wasn’t counting on being spooked for the rest of my life.

But it was better than being stuck forever with Mrs. I-know-everything-and-you-are-a-fool.

I make a show of getting up hurriedly and falling while trying to reach her. Meanwhile, I can hear pans falling. By the time I get up, quite a few people have reached and surrounded the kitchen. There is a lot of screaming, and someone is calling the ambulance. It is too late—by the time a doctor arrives, it will all be over.

I push people aside to reach the centre of circle hurriedly to avoid suspicion.

My wife is sitting on the side, crying in the earnest, “I told her…I told her I put in dried parsley in the seasoning because the fresh one was hemlock, but the old fool threw a piece in her mouth just to prove me wrong.”

The body on the ground has stopped moving—her neck turned around towards me like a scene from a horror movie and eyes open in a silenced scream that will give me nightmares for the rest of my life.

Author’s note: I wrote this story in a hurry because I wanted to tell you about hemlock. There is no cure for hemlock poisoning and the horrendous death it brings. It looks and smells like parsley. Recognising and never touching it are the only ways to survive.

The purple-spotted stem of hemlock is the only way to recognise it, though sometimes, it is not even spotted—that evil thing!

Posted in Blogging

Sorted | Lost all Subscribers: Are the Aliens Behind it?

Hey everyone! Thank you for the responses!

I finally found the list of subscribers somewhere in the Stats page. By that time, I swear, I was about to have a stroke! It is not the fear of losing readers but losing friends…your comments keep me going.

You see, I am a work-from-home Instructional Designer by profession.

The job itself is lonely since I just keep looking at the documents trying to decide how to best design them for the maximum impact. And I am working from home, so my only connection to my colleagues is via once-a-week virtual call which often gets cancelled. I do have a joint family, but not everyone understands the rumble inside my brain! 🙂

Your messages keep me afloat. Since you all have a creative streak, it is like having our own Writer’s Club. You remind me that I am more than the work I do. I joke with you. I often reply to message not directed to me and it makes me smile.

So, losing all of you is not an option. I just realised that I don’t thank you all enough for standing by my side through all these years!

Thank you! I love you all!

Posted in Blogging

Lost all Subscribers: Are the Aliens Behind it?

Hi folks,

Not sure how it happened but somehow I have lost all my 500+ subscribers–well, at least I can’t see anyone of you on my list. It seems that WordPress has been busy as usual!

If you think my blog is worth it, could you please subscribe back? 🙂

Also, please forward the message in case some of my old followers are seeing your posts.

Thank you!

@Beetleypete, request your help. 🙂

Posted in My life, Published, Random Thoughts

Not A Lore | Short Stories Collection | Published

As most of you would know, lately I had been working on my second short stories collection, Not a Lore: The Imperfect Tales. It is now published and available on Amazon as an eBook and a paperback (I recommend eBook since it is ecofriendly).

The cover page is designed by Manpreet Kaur who is a professional artist (@ammpryt on Instagram). Nishant Agrawal, Instructional Designer and short-stories aficionado like me, is the editor.

Not a Lore contains twelve quirky stories about curses that kill (or worse, make you to fall in love), monsters who aren’t all that bad and damsels that are better left alone with their distress. A mix of fresh tales and retelling, the compilation is all magic. Written from the point of view of one of the central characters, it is a celebration of my skewed perspective regarding all things magical and mundane.

Here is a short description of the stories in the collection.

  1. Not a Lore: A handsome prince sets upon a journey with his Squire to kiss a sleeping princess awake. But how will he get past the dragon? And would it be better to become dragon fodder instead?
  2. Ugly: A prince stuck as a toad forces a princess to help him lift the curse, but she would rather fry him alive. His only hope is a maid who doesn’t shriek at his sight.
  3. Captivated: A girl stuck on the top of the tower meets a handsome prince. He brings a fresh perspective while she persuades him that there is no need to run from the ‘witch’.
  4. The Doors: When a Fighter tooth fairy goes to explore the worlds behind the mysterious doors, her Spellman partner of 93 years decides to find her somehow.
  5. Barred: When the severed bull’s head guarding the door of a famous potion-bar stops a love‑struck wizard from entering and staring at the barmaid, they discuss the issue with surgical accuracy.
  6. Vivid: While restoring a cursed bracelet at a museum, the museum assistant shares the awe, love and agony of the first owner, as she finally realises why the bracelet was cursed.
  7. Muddled: A man wakes up in his bed groggy and confused and finds that someone else is now also living in his house. He is searching his memory as he walks down the steps.
  8. Late: On a full moon night, a young man stumbles upon a horrible secret in a dark alley and runs for his life. Unsure if it is a hallucination, he would rather not stop and confirm.
  9. Broken: A hunter recounts the tale of when he goes looking for a trophy head of a tiger and ends up falling in love completely beyond repair.
  10. The Far Door: A single woman moves into a new building to leave her past behind. Therein, she finds a door without a lock that she is forbidden to open. The story captures her fascination and fear wrapped around the unknown entity in the room behind the far door.
  11. A Matter of Chance: A new-age non-witch cooks a dumb cake on All-Hallows eve to see her future husband in the mirror. But now, she must wait for him to find her. If only he would acknowledge that she exists!
  12. The Scoop: When a famous news anchor decides to cover Cinderella’s ‘fairy connections’ with vengeance on mind, Cinderella didn’t stand a chance.

The e-book is now available on Amazon. To preview:

  1. Select this link: Not a Lore: The Imperfect Tales
  2. Select the Read Sample button.
  3. Scroll down to read the sample.

If you wish to buy the ebook, know that Amazon Kindle app can be installed on any device and not just Kindle Readers. (I had it on my Android phone. But my daughter forced me to delete it because it is addictive!)

Wish me luck. I will need loads of it. I have two requests.

  • If you think it is worth it, please share the link with others as well.
  • If you choose to buy, please leave reviews, good or bad. I am happy to learn from you.
  • Let me know what you think of the sample in the comments and if it needs improvement.

Thanks a lot! Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Posted in Nature



of stars

twisted in braids,

swirling in eternal dance,


Author’s note: Lantern is a Japanese form of poetry with 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 syllables set to share a single thought.

Posted in Random Thoughts

Where I have been, What I have been doing

Egg-tray daffodils and butterfly and the falling-stars-night background coloured by my 7-year-old “Artist-e-Azam” wonder girl. My role was limited to cutting the flowers and flower arrangement.

Lately, my inner child and actual child have taken over my life.

My daughter turned seven last week. She also worked very hard for her exams last month. Hence, I and my husband have been giving her loads of little treats to make her feel special.

So, we have bought her what she loves the most: toys and colours of different kinds. And then let her colour everything around her to her heart’s content. I have throwing random ideas at her, and she is more than happy to oblige.

This egg-tray daffodils and butterfly is just the tip of the iceberg.

There is a toy dragon cut out of an egg-tray and coloured, and ready to be tied together, while another egg tray shivers awaiting execution. 🙂

I also created a reusable frame for her constant flow of amazing paintings.

That is why I haven’t been posting as much. I have let life take over…and its fun!

Posted in Random Thoughts

What all goes into a rainbow cake

Do you know what all goes into cooking a rainbow cake 🎂?

My daughter is turning seven this month. Also, for the first time, she was dealing with exhausting end-of-year exams (Children her age have been going to school since they were 3 but we homeschooled her due to COVID.) I wanted her to remember these days with fondness rather than dread. So, I built her a 4-inch oven the out of a cardboard box.

She was so excited upon seeing the gift that she decided she will begin using it immediately. That is when it all snow-balled.

It started with a small paper pizza 🍕, complete with mushrooms 🍄, onions 🌰, tomatoes 🍅 and capsicums.

The next day, a 3D cake 🎂 the diameter of my smallest finger and the half the height appeared. It was cute with rainbow colours and seven candles on the top, ready for the big doll party–apparently, my daughter’s doll is ready to celebrate her seventh birthday too.

But of course, it wasn’t enough because it didn’t really have any ingredients, just paper. So, my daughter took it upon herself to create them. You see, the quickest way to get a toy is to build it. So, on the next day, a paper flour bag 🌾appeared, along with a paper milk jug 🥛, a couple of eggs 🥚🥚and a bowl of sugar. Not sure where she found the recipe–I don’t bake. I don’t even have an oven. The items are a little rough around the edges since she is not allowed to use scissors yet. But that never managed to curb her enthusiasm.

The next day, paper icing cones started appearing. Soon, we had strawberry 🍓, orange 🍊, mango 🥭, kiwi 🥝, blue berry, black berry and black grapes 🍇 flavours. I thought it should be enough for the cake, so after a lot of ministrations from our little chef, the cake went inside the oven.

And then she realised that it is a party, and she can’t offer just a piece of the rainbow cake to the guests. So, over the next few days, paper cupcakes 🧁, burger 🍔, four varieties of shakes 🥤, a whole lot of other food stuff of unidentifiable variety 🥗🧆🍥 started appearing. It was, of course, done using the milk-jug 🥛, eggs 🥚🥚, icing and flour 🌾 prepared previously.

And then came a whole set of paper fruits 🍓🍒🍎🍑🍊🥭🍍🍋🍌🍇 and serving trays. I reminded her that she had plastic fruits and trays as well, but the suggestion was declined on the premise that everything has to look similar.

Yesterday, after her exams ended, my daughter had the big doll birthday party 🥳 with her friend. Four guest dolls along with four soft toys–a deer, a monkey, a dog and a penguine–were in attendance. The party was a huge hit and everyone nose-dived into the rainbow cake 🎂 since they didn’t have the patience to cut it neatly into pieces (which would have destroyed a real piece of art).

I am glad my daughter’s knowledge of baked items is limited, or else the party would have to be delayed until my daughter had the complete range of baked goods. I hope now the party is over, the bake frenzy would end, or else slow down to one piece a day.

Well, one can hope!

Posted in Life and After, Love

The Subway

I stand at the subway gates. Her train is late. That has me worried. She is a creature of habit, always visiting the subway at the same time every day. What if she decides not to come at all because of the delay? Could I live through the eighty-six thousand seconds that pass between today and tomorrow?

When I first met her, it was in the same spot when I was called to duty by a church minister to get rid of the riffraff that riddled the enclosed space. I was one of the best guardian angels, killing all the specters at the breath of my sword. But, then, she stepped down from the midnight train, her melancholy eyes drawing me in. She walked towards the subway gate…towards me…and the world around me melted into an array of colours and nothingness.

I think the minister shouted to get rid of her but how could I?!

He called her as the most dangerous one but I couldn’t see why.

I think he sighed, “Not this one too,” but couldn’t care less.

Since then, for Almighty-knows-how-many years, I stand rooted in the same spot waiting for her to step down from the midnight train and walk towards the subway gates–towards me–like the hundreds of other specters before and after me.

(Author’s note: I saw this picture on Unsplash by Andrew Ling and it spoke to me. All I wrote is what the picture breathed into my ears.)

Posted in Blogging, Random Thoughts

Perseverance, eh?

I am currently reading a novel “Sealed Divine Throne” by Tang Jia San Shao, which is a translation of a Chinese web novel. It is a journey of a light-element hero, Long Haochen, from age 8 onwards. After 600+ episodes, I have reached age 25 and am still a long way from the end. Out of the original 72 demon gods, he still needs to kill 67. So, at least 600 episodes more.

Hats off to the writer who has built an entire world based on calculated spiritual energy and tool-based magic. The thing that has kept me wondering the most is the perseverance of the writer (and the character too, of course). To stick to a set of characters for so long and let them grow bit by bit…

It is something I wish to achieve one day. Right now, it is a struggle to stick to a story for a week. Even in school, I was one to write the shortest answers. During exams, other people used to fill two or more sheets and ask for more until the examiners ran out of paper. But I was bent on conserving natural resources and hold the record for saving half the pages of examination answer sheets.

So, when I started out as a short story writer, I kept it really short–I mean really tiny-winy three-four lines. Since my sole audience was my two-year old daughter, she never complained. It is difficult to explain the aesthetic side of a stork’s journey down the crocodile’s stomach. She would certainly ask intelligent questions, like how come the stork’s beak managed to get inside and how on earth did the crocodile digest it, but I never had to write it in The Lord of Rings detail.

And then I attended one-hour workshop on tiny story writing at work. Bingo! I could write three-line stories for adults! As an instructional designer, the “conciseness” suited my temperament–my motto had always been that if it can be written in a half-a-word, why use a full word–sheer wastage of energy! (This rule only applies to writing. Otherwise, I am certified chatterbox.)

So, naturally I never felt the need to expand when I published my book, The Forest Bed and Other Short Stories. It had 30 stories with a word count of 100-200 each–most of the pages were filled with illustrations instead. The stories were still longer than I normally would write. But I realised that I had to to reach a minimum count of words to call it a story book.

After that I strived to write longer stories. But they take too long to finish. For me, anything that I can’t finish in a single sitting is a lost cause. I will most certainly forget about it the next time I open my computer.

So, I was wondering how people manage to write long novels/serials.

Do you have any suggestions regrading how to stick to a story for a long time?

Posted in Life and After, Love


She stands in middle of the raucous party.

Do I dare?

No, I don’t.

Of course, I choose to live in the past.

It is the safest place to be.

There are no risks, no uncertainties–

just plain solid facts.

There are are a few regrets

but I can always shrug them off as past.

Do I dare?

No, I can’t.

Future is steeped in risk.

Can’t get there

without weathering some storms

or facing my demons!

Can’t strive, plan, fail…face fresh hurt–

Too full of blows from the past.

At least they didn’t manage to kill me…yet.

Can’t move on.

Do I dare?

No, I won’t.

I sneak a peek at her across the hall

while trying to ignore her.

She smiles in my direction.

I frown at the pain in my chest

in the hole filled with resignation.

Ah! I forgot to breath!

Do I dare?

Don’t I stand on the mountain of hurt

collected in years past?

Will I be able to get past?

She is looking here expectantly–

a smile playing on her mischievous lips.

Do I dare?

May be…

I smile back and step forward…

The past still hurts.

Well, one baby step at a time.

Posted in Nature, Random Thoughts

Leaf Sheep Sea Slug

I am a Sheep Leaf Sea Slug.

Residing within deep ocean of myriad thoughts;

Eating chloroplast made by others;

Absorbing plots, phrases, ideas;

Using them for my own photosynthesis;

Shaping the onslaught of stories;

Giving birth to something original;

As I turn into a plant myself.

I am Sheep Leaf Sea Slug–

I cannot exist until you do…

Author’s note: Sheep Leaf Sea slug is around one centimetre long mystery found in Japanese ocean waters. It is the only known animal able to do do photosynthesis using chloroplast made by other plants. It looks like a cute sheep that developed leaves! I saw the pic today and it was love at first sight! 🥰

Image from

Posted in Random Thoughts

Lost and Found

Weird it is that you’re seemingly lost

yet you find ways to find me;

I see through eyes that aged long back

the dreams that once defined me;

Whatever would I do if I go looking

for whoever I left behind me.

No where close to who I was

I stand to be someone I can’t stand,

My calm hides raging storm within–

lightening and thunders without rain;

Yet unyeilding shell of fake smiles,

hides rawness in the refined me.

Mirrors I hate for mocking the old me

that sold me…

Posted in Random Thoughts


I keep waiting for you to leave,

Watching the corner where you stand

Shaking your perfect head at me;

Finding fault

picking at me.

Surely you can’t still be here.

You left without a backward glance

Reducing me to tears.

Begone the ghost

of lost years.

Posted in Random Thoughts

A Fresh Start? Ha!

Nothing changes in the new year–

Same resolutions broken on day one;

Shivering under covers in the morn;

Punctuation mistakes on files;

Playing dolls (because when do I get a choice?);

Snotty kisses that make me smile;

Bird watching under the sky;

Same good old life.

An year gone, another arrives.

I’m keeping the happy memories;

N’ letting the sad one’s slide.

Author’s note: What was you favourite part of the old year?

Cover art: By my 6-year-old daughter, taken without consent, hoping to be forgiven. At least it will get me a few likes 😄

Posted in Random Thoughts

Blue Painting – Pink Painting

She tries avoid looking in that general direction

Where, in her room, hangs the pink painting–

A gift from someone who loves but doesn’t understand.

Her eyes roam everywhere except that wall.

You could mount a stag’s head there and she wouldn’t notice.

She doesn’t want to notice

the typecast.


In his room, hangs a blue painting,

Something he bought along colourless clothes

To erase all doubt per chance;

Something he hated at the first glance;

A reminder of the bondage that sets him in the mould

And throws him in the inferno

Hoping he would fit the cast.

Wish they could switch…

Wish they do switch…

Nothing worse than a painting

That speaks against your heart.

Kash asman surkh aur zameen neeli hoti,

Sabko apna jahan khud rangne ki ijazat mili hoti.


If only the Sky was red;

If only the Land was blue;

If only everyone had the right

To colour their own view.

Author’s note: A lot is often lost in translation. Please read the last bit again with the following in mind:

Asman or Sky is considred male in Urdu while Zameen or Land is considered female.

What do think about typecasting people in gender roles?

Posted in Random Thoughts


Yu toh mukurane ki zindagi me wajah na thi,

Me tujhko yaad karta raha aur muskurata raha.


Though life offered no reason ever to smile,

I kept thinking of you and beamed at the skies.