Posted in Random Thoughts

Alien Abduction: Can’t Wait

I was just answering Colin McQueen on a dystopian scenario of our world once all humans are abducted by aliens. I started answering him, reminiscing the time of COVID lockdown and after sometime I realised that the comment was nearly the standard size of my post. 🤪 So why not create a post out of it. (Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle)

I can only imagine how the world would look like if there we no humans left on Earth. In essence, it would look something like COVID lockdown.

Fauna visits became a norm. Three days in, birds came tapping on windows to check if we were extinct yet. My house sits next to the city’s main road, which was empty due to zero traffic and Peacocks, dogs and feral cows started claiming the, then disused, road. Babblers, Bulbuls, Sunbirds decided humans were not to be feared and sat in hordes on our windows, checking out property for housing. Squirrels decided they could enter and begin claiming their nook inside our house too.

50+ Pigeons and 50+ crows sat on both sides of our building, waiting for the gang-war to begin. Hundreds of Steppe Eagles crossed overhead too close for comfort.

The trees alongside our house got so huge that their branches ended on next door’s roof and inside our windows. (We need special government permission to cut the branches but since offices were closed, no permission to be had and no one to cut the trees anyway). Ants and termites decided to take over the world, bees joined ranks with spiders in tow. Multitude of mice (no rat poison, no shops), lizards, snakes, centipedes and other ‘guests’ tried to make themselves at home. And that was just three months. Imagine three years or thirty being the only survivors of alient abduction.

I would choose aliens any day.

Posted in Random Thoughts


Author’s note: This is my first attempt at ghost writing. The idea and image are supplied by Asna Ali.

I am weeding today.


I shouldn’t have.

I let it go on for too long, I guess.

The very soil of my being hidden behind

Years and years of procrastination,

lies, pretenses, fake smiles.

And more lies.

They hold tight to my soil,

Impossible to shake off.

I’ve been weeding relentlessly,

Heart aching

Where I had pulled at the roots.

But nothing gives.

Gaah! No point bothering.

Besides, it is just grass!

Tomorrow, I’ll just put on

a layer of fresh lies to hide it! Sigh!

Posted in Love

Bulbul | Sher | Poetry

Wo shaakh sooni hai jis par bulbul gaati thi.

Tanha musafir ka koi ab sahara nhi.


The branch sits empty–the Nightingale now gone.

No saviour now for the traveller forlorn.

Posted in Random Thoughts

Things I can’t live without

Lately, an article by Colin McQueen left me pondering about things I can’t live without. If I had to take only three things, what will I take?

Of course, we are not counting humans or pets, otherwise I will include my daughter and, by association, her barbie set and their one thousand dresses, her unicorn, the medical kit, a large array of food dishes…

Also, I will include my husband and with him comes his mobile phone, wifi connection, mobile charger, bike cleaning kit, the said bike…

I will include my parents as well and with them comes their phones, playing card stack, ludo set, their laptop, kitchen supplies…

So, in that case, I might take the whole house itself–Why leave the poor thing behind alone and empty?

So I will just things take three things then: mobile phone and laptop, and my debit card for the rest. I mean, the hotels, restaurant and malls are not going anywhere, are they?

This list pretty practical but even as I write it I know it is a lie. I am not a practical person. I live my life like pendulum swinging between being practical and being myself. So, if there were only three things to take, I will take my drawing kit, pen and a diary because these are the things I can’t live without.

My drawing kit: Even in the years I didn’t paint (there were twelve of them), I kept my drawing kit with me as a talisman. I was going through a tough time initially and then, I just left it all behind in the race of life. I would look at the kit and tell myself that I am going to paint someday but never get down it. It was my daughter who drew me out that dark hole and made me paint with her.

It is still difficult because painting reminds me of a lot of could-have-beens but I am trying to make peace with myself that I will never be a world-renowned painter but I am a kick-ass Instructional Designer who can also paint. So, my drawing kit is coming.

A pen and a diary: During school and college days, I always had a decent supply of pens–different colours, cute and inexpensive. (What? I bought it all with my pocket money and while my father was doting, he wasn’t Bill Gates. My pocket money was enough to let me buy little things I liked but I could never afford an expensive Parker pen on my pocket money. My father would get me those.) I also had a huge array of diaries, all supplied by my father: one for songs, one for poetry, several for friends to fill, one for… Well, I think you get the point.

I stopped writing at the same time as I stopped painting. But without be a pen and a notebook, I still feel vulnerable. So, I was hoarding them too until my daughter got the whiff of them. One-by-one my pens started disappearing and now, if I need to write down anything at all, I have to borrow her pencil (pens are all used, empty and probably in a landfill now). In my daughter’s defence, I wasn’t using them anyway. But still the lack of pens makes me feel vulnerable. So I keep on getting new ones though they are bound to disappear the same way within a week. Hence my pens remained inexpensive. I hid my diaries from my daughter so well that I can’t find them anymore. But at least they are still somewhere around here. I will find them once the time comes to live with three things.

And then, I will slip my little debit card in my pocket where no one can see it. (Afterall, the restaurants, hotels and malls still aren’t going anywhere!)