Posted in Life and After

The Flight

Gliding above the clouds

In your arms,

I saw the break of dawn.

The pink and red

Guilding the horizon.

A herd of deer

In the forest below

Fled As we

Swooped low.

You held me close,

Your arms around

Our baby bump,

As one we touched

The ground.

I open my sleepy eyes

And find you gone,


My face wet with tears…

Posted in Life and After

Tiny Story: The Dream

His willowy wife slept in his arms but his sleep was gone after the nightmare: a girl in white–with a stocky frame, unimpressive black hair and eyes, and laughter lines–looked at him with a thousand accusations in her eyes as he stood at the back of the church. She, then, took vows with another man.

His heart felt hollow.

Posted in Life and After

The Decade

A decade that feels like forever,

Yet, is just a moment away,

When I found the anchor

That kept me from drifting

Far away from the shores of life:


There has never been a day

I didn’t love you.

There hasn’t been a day

I didn’t say I love you.

Ten years… Twenty… Thirty…

Who knows?

Who cares?

When I am with you–

Loving you, holding you

With a promise of

Forever and more.

Posted in Life and After

Tiny Story: Cast Away

She was a torn garment, not worth mending.

After her husband crossed, his family cast her away to her old home.

Her parents cast her away to the backyard storeroom.

And now, the river had cast away her empty shell to the shore.

-Hindu widows, traditionally, give up all pleasures in life: good food, good clothes, music and human company. Often, they are dumped in widow homes and take up begging to survive. Not allowed to remarry, a lot of them choose to die instead.

Posted in Life and After


There is a place where I drive my trailer


To live forever

Next to the grassy banks of a tranquil lake.

The warm Sun calls me

And the clear water winks at me

Beconing me to come out.

I dip my toes in the water.

I look at the starfish that adorns the rock

Buried by my feet

As eels and gold fishes glide by.

I see a swan swimming at a distance.

I think if you.

I close my eyes and

Wake in your arms again.

-Dedicated to W, my love, my life

Posted in Life and After

Tiny Story: The Ring

She knew nothing about the man she had just married, as was usual in her community, and her stomach was in knots.

For the last ritual, the Pandit asked the couple to put their hands in the milkpot to find a gold ring. “Whoever finds it first rules forever”, he said smiling.

They both frantically searched for the ring until the groom’s fingers found hers inside the pot. Electric hummed between them and, quietly, he slipped the ring in her hand.

Posted in Life and After

Hurray: 100 Posts Old

I had crossed 100-posts mark in WordPress recently. Actually, it is 108 but some of them are reblogs from other writers so I waited until I could rightfully brag about it. YEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Here is a piece about me if you are interested.

I got my love from books from my father but my love for stories comes from within.

I would read my elder brother’s school books before him. I loved Nancy Drew and Agatha Christi, and had a crush for Hardy Boys. I read Enid Blyton and Astrix at 15 at the expense of being called a child. But O’Henry and Prem Chand took my breath away.

In my 3 years at Rampur, I had read over 150 novels from the School Library. The Librarian, a very nice person, once told me our library offers books on Maths and Science as well. I thanked him, took my Arthur Canon Doyle and Ruskin Bond, and exited.

My parents told me that stories will take me nowhere. Well, they made me a blogger and Instructional Designer. That is enough for me, for now…

Okay! I am partying tonight! Care to join?

Posted in Life and After

Tiny Story: The Lord of Flies

The honey smelled wonderful; may be just a quick lick… I wondered whether I should dive in.

But “Mother”, “Sonny”and “Cuddlycums” were sitting right there at the table. And “Father” had a swatter by his side. It would be tempting fate.

Saddened by the thought, I prayed to the Lord for just a lick. All of a sudden, “Cuddlycums” had a tantrum and threw the honey bowl on the wall on which I was sitting.

Well, what can I say? He listens!

Posted in Life and After

Wanted: Mother


  • Diaper-changing speed: 5 sec/dp
  • Answering question speed: 10 q/sec
  • Training:
    • First aid
    • Folding laundry with one hand
    • Finding hidden objects
    • Running 10 miles a day (within the house)
    • Mimicking multiple voices (for storytelling)

Payment: Unlimited Baby Kisses

Posted in Life and After

Tiny Story: Reliving the Moment

“In that magical moment, he helped me up from the stairs. When looked at me as he cradled me in his arms, I saw emotions in his eyes… Love? I was taken aback!

Sure I was flattered by the attention but I couldn’t see how things would ever work out between the two of us.

For one, he was a hulk and I petite, almost breakable. Moreover, she had taken away my twin. I don’t think a Prince would look good hobbling around in one shoe.”

Posted in Life and After

Tiny Story: Bewildered

The Dragon was seething.

She was left in the care of a woman who was always sleeping. She was alone and hungry, and had to live on the rats that roamed in the old castle.

She could not fathom why anyone would care to guard a castle who nobody lived in anymore. If only someone would let her out…

She tried to ask a few gentlemen who visited. But either they died on spot (and made a nice roasted meal, for a change) or ran away screaming about some monster. She wondered who the monster was. May be she could ask him to let her out…

Posted in Life and After

The Quarrel

So, I quarreled with Him and told Him this is not working out between us; if He really loves me, He will have to prove it.

Then I cried and said He doesn’t even listen to me anymore.

A few days later He answered my prayers… because while fighting, I believed that He listens AND loves.

Posted in Life and After

Tiny Stories: The Excuse

“I went to pluck the magical rose but a Lion as huge as a mountain was guarding it. He said, ‘Don’t you dare pluck it.’ So I knocked the Lion out cold in one punch. His teeth bruised my knuckles though.” said the three-year old, explaining his bruises to his mother.